Find Your Own Style in a Fast Fashion World


Have you ever wondered what is the difference between Fashion and Style?


First of all, I want to say that I do love Fashion. In fact, I studied Fashion Design courses in Milan, Italy, because I am passionate about the creative process behind it. I am very interested in Psychology of Fashion, and the study of the collective mind of a society in a certain time and space; How it can be developed into creative concepts, and then those concepts transformed into colors, materials, and shapes that express those ideas, which are finally designed into clothes and accessories that can be worn by people to communicate with each other. I find it a fascinating process, from the creative point of view. This kind of fashion can also become a “Personal Style” for some people, as opposed to temporary trends, because it has a strong meaning behind that doesn't fade away.

However, there is a side of fashion that I personally dislike, and that is the most common meaning that people give to the word “fashion”. It involves the fast-changing trends made up by the industry to make us consume more and more, also known as Fast Fashion. It is a very different process. That is the one that I will be referring to in this post when I say the word “fashion”. To make it simple, I would say that fashion is usually referred to as what is being offered and worn by a large number of people at any particular moment in time.  Fashion is a huge global industry, that basically decides what people should wear –and therefore express- in a particular season.

When you are following fashion you are basically wanting to look like everyone else.  You purchase and wear the same garments that are being shown in runways, publicized in magazines, and sold in the majority of stores.  And if you want to follow those new trends every season, it can be really exhausting and expensive... not to mention damaging for the planet, because you will need to constantly buy and discard your clothes after a short while.  As a matter of fact, a recent Pulse of The Fashion Industry report stated that fashion generates 4% of the world's waste each year.


"Don't be into trends. Don't make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live." - Gianni Versace


On the other hand, Personal Style is unique and very personal.

Style is so much more than the season's latest trends.  It's about an attitude, a way of life, and how you share your personal story with the world.  It is an expression of our identity and individuality.

While there are many ways of self-expression, personal style is one of the easiest and more creative ways to do so.  When you cultivate your style, it’s like building your own unique self-brand.  You start radiating charisma, confidence, and influence in any setting without even trying to do so.


"Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself." - Oscar de la Renta 



The Psychology behind What you Wear


Did you know that your Style and the clothes you choose can reflect and affect your mood, health, and overall confidence?.  It is because it takes a certain kind of energy within yourself to put on a certain outfit, and this energy transcends with everything else.  It's about your state of mind, who you are, your attitude, your personality.

Fashion Psychology is commonly defined as the study of the impact of clothing choices on the way in which we perceive and judge each other.  But in reality, it is much more than that.  It is the study of all the behaviors associated with Fashion and Style, and the power they have to influence a person’s life, groups of people, and even the whole Society.  It also reveals important linkages between clothing styles and underlying social values as well as tribal divisions.

Fashion Psychology teaches us that besides the physical experience of wearing clothes, those clothes also carry a symbolic meaning.  It is important to understand the psychological dynamics of why the use of the right clothing for us can contribute to our confidence and raise our self-esteem.  Science has proven that when you are aware of what you wear, you can lean on your fashion choices to help uplift your state of mind and spirit.  It may be a style of clothing, a certain color, or an item that has a particular meaning; these are the type of wardrobe pieces that can immediately affect your expression and mood.  In fact, there are studies that suggest that when we put on a piece of clothing we tend to adopt some of the characteristics associated with it, even if we are unaware of it.

But the impact of clothing is not only personal.  Your clothing choices can also communicate with others and make a statement.  They can express your opinions or beliefs -in a conscious or subconscious level-, so they can be adopted by people around you, which can end up transforming behaviors in a whole Society.  That is an important aspect to consider when you are choosing what you wear instead of following a trend.


"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." - Rachel Zoe


However, personality is not a fixed entity, it changes over your lifetime and even day to day.  Your clothing Style might reflect that as well.  You can have a defined Personal Style, but it may change somewhat according to the occasion or even the mood you’re in.  You can also have some different personality traits or artistic preferences, and want to express them all depending on your mood.

Just listen to your mood and let your style boost your confidence.  Both Science-based and exploratory studies have looked into the impact of personality and mood changes in relation to clothing choices.  They suggest that "while personality plays a part in clothing selection, mood is a much stronger predictor, especially for women; how you choose to dress on any given day can simply be a result of your mood."  As you can see, there are no fixed rules… just dress yourself in what makes you feel yourself.

In conclusion, for all the reasons given in this post, I think that following your own Personal Style is much better than just following Fashion Trends.  We need to remember that our individuality is vital to society, as it impacts our identity and stimulates innovation.  See each day as an opportunity to embrace your individuality and reveal your personality through your style.


“Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.” - Judy Garland


What do you think about this?
Do you consider yourself a Fashion follower or a leader of your own Personal Style?

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